High fiber diet may protect against asthma

In the past 50 years, as fruits and vegetables have featured less and less in the Western diet, rates of allergic asthma have gone up. Now a new study suggests these trends are not coincidental, but causally linked.

Dietary fibers protect against asthma, study suggests

The Western diet probably has more to do with the asthma epidemic than has been assumed so far, because developing asthma is related to the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed.

You are what your father eats

Mothers get all the attention. But a study suggests that the father’s diet before conception may play an equally important role in the health of their offspring.

How Animals Taste, And Avoid, High Salt Concentrations Has Implications For Humans

For consumers of the typical Western diet – laden with levels of salt detrimental to long-term health – it may be hard to believe that there is such a thing as an innate aversion to very high concentrations of salt…

Prostate Cancer Progression May Be Prevented By A High Fiber Diet

A high-fiber diet may have the clinical potential to control the progression of prostate cancer in patients diagnosed in early stages of the disease. The rate of prostate cancer occurrence in Asian cultures is similar to the rate in Western cultures, but in the West, prostate cancer tends to progress, whereas in Asian cultures it does not…

High-Sugar, High-Salt Intake Creates ‘A Ticking Time Bomb Of Health Problems’

The fat- and sugar-rich Western diet leads to a lifetime of health problems, dramatically increasing the risk of stroke or death at a younger age, according to a study presented today at the Canadian Stroke Congress…

Obesity Theories Challenged By Hunter-Gatherer Study

A new study comparing the lifestyle of Westerners with that of hunter-gatherers challenges the idea that the current obesity crisis is due to lack of physical activity. The researchers suggest the more likely explanation is over-consumption of calories, particularly due to the presence of energy-dense foods in the Western diet…

Gut Bacteria Altered By Western Diet Which Triggers Colitis In Those With Genetic Predisposition

Certain saturated fats that are common in the modern Western diet can initiate a chain of events leading to complex immune disorders such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in people with a genetic predisposition, according to a study published early online in the journal Nature…

New System For Regulating Probiotics Is Necessary

In order to better inform American and European consumers about probiotics, a Category Tree system should be implemented, states Dr.

London Researcher Calls For New Approach To Regulating Probiotics

In the Nature scientific journal Dr. Gregor Reid, Director of the Canadian R&D Centre for Probiotics at Lawson Health Research Institute and a scientist at Western University, calls for a Category Tree system to be implemented in the United States and Europe to better inform consumers about probiotics…

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