Are pesticides in food harmful?

Some people may be worried about the effect of pesticides in their food. Read this article to learn about how pesticides can affect health.

Can drinking mineral-rich water prevent hypertension?

A study that links drinking salinated water to lower blood pressure attributes the effect to benefits of calcium and magnesium exceeding harms of sodium.

16:8 fasting diet actually works, study finds

A first-of-its-kind study analyzes the effect of the so-called 16:8 fasting diet in people with obesity. The study found unexpected health benefits.

These simple lifestyle changes may improve osteoarthritis symptoms

A new study investigates the effect of diet on the symptoms of osteoarthritis. They found that small changes could relieve pain and reduce damage.

Stress may harm gut health as much as junk food

Researchers suggest that the effect of stress on gut microbiota is comparable with that seen with a high-fat diet, but this may only apply to women.

Extra-virgin olive oil may prevent Alzheimer’s

A new study investigates the effect of extra-virgin olive oil on cognitive decline and brain inflammation in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Are peanuts good for diabetes? Effect on disease risk

Learn whether peanuts are a good snack option for those who closely monitor their diet due to diabetes. Understand the effect peanuts have on blood sugar.

Clinical trial finds that vitamin D, calcium have no effect on cancer risk

A double-blind, randomized clinical trial tests the effect of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on cancer risk in postmenopausal women.

High levels of vitamin D may improve muscle strength

Using a cutting-edge technique, researchers from the United Kingdom investigate the effect of active and inactive vitamin D levels on muscle strength.

Could hops extract reduce risk of breast cancer?

Testing the effect of hop extract on estrogen metabolism – a pathway in breast cancer development – identifies a hops compound with anti-cancer potential.

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