What causes acid reflux and shortness of breath?

Discover the association between acid reflux and shortness of breath.

What to know about constipation and nausea

Constipation is infrequent bowel movements consisting of hard, dry stools.

How to treat peripheral neuropathy naturally

Peripheral neuropathy involves damage to the peripheral nerves. This can cause various sensations, including pain. Here, learn more about the symptoms and causes and which natural treatments may help.

What to know about a fish bone in the throat

Getting a fish bone stuck in the throat is not usually a serious issue, but it can cause some complications. Learn about the risks, the symptoms, and some tips on how to remove a fish bone stuck in the throat here.

What are the best natural treatments for PCOS?

Natural treatments and lifestyle changes, such as diet changes, supplements, and herbal remedies, may help with the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Foods to eat and avoid when hungover

Certain foods and drinks may help to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. Discover what to eat and drink and what to avoid when hungover.

Hyperthyroidism: Foods to eat and avoid

A person’s diet can affect the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. This article looks at which foods and nutrients to eat and which to avoid for an overactive thyroid.

ADHD supplements: Are they effective?

Research suggests that certain supplements, including melatonin, zinc, and vitamin D, may help treat some of the symptoms of ADHD. Learn more here.

Top 10 evidence based supplements for anxiety

Previous research has shown that some natural supplements — including vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and herbal remedies such as valerian and chamomile — can help relieve the symptoms of anxiety. We explore the evidence for these supplements here.

What to know about shellfish allergies

Many people are allergic to shellfish. The symptoms can be mild or severe and may include wheezing, coughing, and confusion. Learn more about the symptoms of a shellfish allergy here.

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