British Veterinary Association urges Defra "Don’t downgrade the role of vets in food safety and animal health and welfare"

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has urged Defra to give full and careful consideration to the role of vets in protecting animal and human health and ensuring food safety.

Analyzing the composition of bacterial communities found in the body

Trillions of bacteria live in each person’s digestive tract. Scientists believe that some of these bacteria help digest food and stave off harmful infections, but their role in human health is not…

In children, snacking quality appears to decline with age

The average U.S. child snacks three times a day

Scientists find key steps linking dietary fats and colon cancer tumor growth

Scientists have shown new genetic evidence that could strengthen the link between the role of dietary fats with colon cancer progression.

The pros and cons of antioxidants for omega 6 damage

Given omega 6 fatty acid’s reputation for promoting cancer – at least in animal studies – researchers are examining the role that antioxidants play in blocking the harmful effects of this culprit…

Research shows the superiority of whey protein

As science continues to support the role of protein in building and maintaining lean muscle, maintaining weight and aging healthy, consumers are embracing the important role of protein in the diet. But not all proteins are created equal and it turns out that protein quality really does matter.

Saturated fat’s role in heart disease is a myth, says heart specialist

A UK cardiologist says it is time “to bust the myth of the role of saturated fat in heart disease,” pointing out that since we started following advice to remove it from our diets, cardiovascular risk has gone up…

Researchers link obesity and the body’s production of fructose

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have reported that the cause of obesity and insulin resistance may be tied to the fructose your body makes in addition to the fructose you eat. In recent years the role of added sweeteners, such as high fructose corn syrup and table sugar (sucrose), has taken center stage as risk factors for obesity and insulin resistance…

Carcinogens Linked To Cancer Stem Cells, But Spinach Can Help

Researchers at Oregon State University have for the first time traced the actions of a known carcinogen in cooked meat to its complex biological effects on microRNA and cancer stem cells. The findings are part of a growing awareness of the role of epigenetics in cancer, or the ways in which gene expression and cell behavior can be changed even though DNA sequence information is unaltered…

Racial Differences In Breast Cancer Risk Influenced By Vitamin D

American women of African ancestry are more likely than European Americans to have estrogen receptor (ER) negative breast cancer. There continues to be discussion about the role of low levels of vitamin D in the development of breast cancer for these women…

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