What causes shortness of breath after eating?

People may experience shortness of breath after eating for various reasons, including food allergies, hiatal hernias, or COPD. Learn about the causes and treatments for breathlessness after eating here.

Is vitamin D deficiency to blame for lung disease?

New research from Johns Hopkins University has found that individuals with low blood levels of vitamin D may be more exposed to disabling lung disease.

Plant pigments may preserve lung function into old age

In addition to their natural antioxidant properties, flavonoids — the compounds that give plants their color — may keep our lungs healthy into old age.

Smokers’ Lung Function May Be Protected By Vitamin D Intake

Boston researchers have discovered that vitamin D may protect against the effects of smoking on lung cancer function. The study, published in advance of the print version of the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.Vitamin D is linked to worse lung function and over time, in a more rapid decline in lung function…

Risk Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Not Increased By Low Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D levels are not related to acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) in patients with severe COPD, according to a large prospective cohort study involving 973 North American patients. The findings were published online ahead of the print edition of the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine…

Link Found Between Vitamin D Deficiency And Changes Of Airway In Children With Severe Asthma

According to findings published online ahead of the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine’s print edition, London researchers discovered that lower vitamin D levels in the blood could be associated with poorer lung function in children suffering from severe therapy-resistant asthma (STRA) and worse symptoms compared to children with moderate asthma…