The 5-second rule is not an urban myth, say researchers

You are just about to eat the last chocolate that you have been saving all day, but as it reaches your mouth, you drop it on the floor. Do you throw it away? Or do you pick it up, give it a quick wipe and eat it

Checkout grocery data used to track eating habits to promote healthier diets

Poor food choices, such as over-consumption of carbonated soft drinks, are an important factor driving the global obesity epidemic and have been linked directly to diabetes and heart disease. While public health agencies are working to help people to make healthier choices, monitoring the effectiveness of these efforts has been costly and difficult.

The benefits on nutrition, cost and safety of canned foods

A new study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine addresses the common call to action from public health experts to improve access to and consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Students ‘eat more fruits and vegetables’ under new school lunch standards

In 2012, the US Department of Agriculture updated the guidelines on school lunches, recommending that schools should offer healthier meals to students.

A woman’s attitude during pregnancy affects weight gain

Overweight or obese women with the mentality that they are “eating for two” are more likely to experience excessive weight gain while pregnant, according to researchers at Penn State College of Medicine.Cynthia Chuang, associate professor of medicine and public health sciences, studied the attitudes and habits of women who gained appropriate weight and those who exceeded guidelines.

Predicting mercury contamination in the marine food chain, via coastal water, not sediment

A Dartmouth-University of Connecticut study of the northeast United States shows that methylmercury concentrations in estuary waters — not in sediment as commonly thought — are the best way to predict mercury contamination in the marine food chain.

Humans can use smell to detect levels of dietary fat

New research from the Monell Center reveals humans can use the sense of smell to detect dietary fat in food.

Broad public health interventions essential to tackle childhood obesity

The team from Manchester Urban Collaboration of Health (MUCH), based at the University, say broader public health strategies are needed instead as obesity figures continue to rise.Obesity has now become a global epidemic affecting children, adolescents and adults alike.

Food poverty in the UK "has all the signs of a public health emergency," warn experts

Food poverty in the UK “has all the signs of a public health emergency,” warn experts in a letter to The BMJ.David Taylor-Robinson from the University of Liverpool, and colleagues show that the number of malnutrition related admissions to hospital in England has doubled since 2008-09.

Nut consumption linked to reduced death rate, study suggests

In the largest study of its kind, people who ate a daily handful of nuts were 20 percent less likely to die from any cause over a 30-year period than were those who didn’t consume nuts, say scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the Harvard School of Public Health

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