US adults do not consume enough protein, study warns

New research examines the protein intake, overall diet, and physical functioning of adults over the age of 51 living in the United States.

How many is too many eggs?

Many people add eggs to their diet to increase their protein intake. Although research once linked eggs to cholesterol, it has now proven that people can consume eggs safely. There is no set number of eggs a person should eat.

Could eating fish stave off Parkinson’s disease?

We know that eating fish protects brain health. A new study identifies the protein responsible for this and explains how it fights ‘Parkinson’s protein.’

Protein shake diet for weight loss: Meal plans and side effects

How does the protein shake diet work, what may be the risks and side effects, and how might a protein shake diet be safely implemented?

How a high-fat diet enhances the spread of cancer

As well as discovering a protein that is key to cancer metastasis, researchers have found that dietary fat works with this protein to worsen cancer spread.

Let them eat beef: Effects of lean beef consumption on markers of metabolic syndrome

An article published in Functional Foods in Health & Disease examines the influence of a diet comprised of 30% protein with one-half of the protein sourced from lean, red meat on the status of…

DASH diet can substitute lean pork for chicken or fish to reduce blood pressure

Adults who are following the DASH-style eating pattern to lower their blood pressure can expand their protein options to include lean, unprocessed pork, according to research. This study applies only to cuts of unprocessed lean pork, such as tenderloin and fresh, uncured ham trimmed of visible fat.

Study: DASH diet can substitute lean pork for chicken or fish to reduce blood pressure

Adults who are following the DASH-style eating pattern to lower their blood pressure can expand their protein options to include lean, unprocessed pork, according to research from Purdue University.

More than half of probiotics contain traces of gluten, study finds

A study reveals more than half of probiotics on sale in the US contain traces of gluten, with some labeled gluten-free containing the protein at levels exceeding FDA standards.

The gluten-free diet: is it really good for our health?

Increasingly, many of us are choosing to scrap gluten from our diet, even in the absence of an intolerance to the protein. But is this a good dietary choice? We investigate.

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