Improving diet quality over time linked with reduced risk of premature death

People who improve the quality of their diets over time, eating more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish and less red and processed meats and sugary beverages, may significantly reduce…

Coffee drinking habits may influence risk of mild cognitive impairment

Increasing coffee consumption over time to more than one cup daily may raise the risk of mild cognitive impairment, while reducing it may lower risk, according to new research.

Vitamin D supplements may benefit children with kidney disease

Study links low levels of vitamin D with greater loss of kidney function over time Among children with chronic kidney disease, those with lower vitamin D levels had higher levels of blood…

Protection From Lung Function Impairment And Decline In Smokers May Be Provided By Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with worse lung function and more rapid decline in lung function over time in smokers, suggesting that vitamin D may have a protective effect against the effects of smoking on lung function, according to a new study from researchers in Boston…

Smokers’ Lung Function May Be Protected By Vitamin D Intake

Boston researchers have discovered that vitamin D may protect against the effects of smoking on lung cancer function. The study, published in advance of the print version of the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.Vitamin D is linked to worse lung function and over time, in a more rapid decline in lung function…