Number Of Daily Meals And Snacks Contributes Most To Increase In Kilocalories Consumed By US Adults

The energy density of food and drink, portion size, and the number of meals and snacks per day have all been linked to increases in the average daily total energy intake of US adults over the past 30 years, but increases in the number of eating occasions and in portion size have accounted for most of this increase: energy density of food consumed may have actually slightly decreased…

Ancestry Plays Vital Role In Nutrition And Disease

Over the past decade, much progress has been made regarding the understanding and promise of personalized medicine. Scientists are just beginning to consider the impact of gene-diet interactions in different populations in regards to disease prevention and treatment. The latest research from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and the laboratories of Floyd H.

AllergyEats: Improving The Way Food Allergic & Gluten-Intolerant Diners Eat Out

AllergyEats, the biggest and fastest growing source for finding allergy-friendly restaurants, is celebrating its first anniversary. Over the past year, this peer-based resource has significantly improved the way food allergic and gluten-intolerant diners eat out. AllergyEats, a free website, lists well over 600,000 restaurants nationwide, which food allergic diners can rate…

AllergyEats: Improving The Way Food Allergic & Gluten-Intolerant Diners Eat Out

AllergyEats, the biggest and fastest growing source for finding allergy-friendly restaurants, is celebrating its first anniversary. Over the past year, this peer-based resource has significantly improved the way food allergic and gluten-intolerant diners eat out. AllergyEats, a free website, lists well over 600,000 restaurants nationwide, which food allergic diners can rate…

FAO Report Highlights ‘Alarmingly’ High Food Price Increases, Forecasts Food Import Bills Could Exceed $1T In 2010

International food import bills could exceed $1 trillion in 2010, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said Wednesday in its Food Outlook report (.pdf), which found that wheat and other food staple prices have increased “alarmingly” over the past year, the Associated Press reports (11/17)…

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