Reduction in dietary diversity impacts richness of human gut microbiota

Changes in farming practices over the last 50 years have resulted in decreased agro-diversity which, in turn, has resulted in decreased dietary diversity.

Improved lifestyle led to decreased cholesterol and less cardiac death

Cholesterol levels – the most common risk factor for heart attacks – have decreased in northern Sweden over the last 20 years.

Vitamin D toxicity rare in people who take supplements, Mayo Clinic researchers report

Over the last decade, numerous studies have shown that many Americans have low vitamin D levels and as a result, vitamin D supplement use has climbed in recent years.

Compound in grape seed extract ‘kills prostate cancer cells’

New research suggests that a component found in grape seed extract is effective in killing prostate cancer cells. This is according to a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer.Investigators from the University of Colorado Cancer Center have analyzed the potential of grape seed extract (GSE) for its anti-cancer properties over the last 10 years.

Scientists develop new way to detect threatening nanoparticles in food

Over the last few years, the use of nanomaterials for water treatment, food packaging, pesticides, cosmetics and other industries has increased.

Arsenic in rice poses health risks when rice consumption high

High levels of arsenic in rice have been shown to be associated with elevated genetic damage in humans, a new study has found. Over the last few years, researchers have reported high concentrations of arsenic in several rice-growing regions around the world…

Worrying Rise In Sodium Intake In US Over Last Decade

Sodium intake around the world is well in excess of physiological needs (1) and public health authorities agree that chronic excess sodium intake can increase blood pressure and the risk of heart attack and stroke (2). However, despite recommendations to lower sodium consumption over the last decade, actual intake continues to rise…

Worrying Rise In Sodium Intake In US Over Last Decade

Sodium intake around the world is well in excess of physiological needs (1) and public health authorities agree that chronic excess sodium intake can increase blood pressure and the risk of heart attack and stroke (2). However, despite recommendations to lower sodium consumption over the last decade, actual intake continues to rise…

Modern Diet Ruining Our Teeth

A study of the evolution of our teeth over the last 7,500 years shows that humans today have less diverse oral bacteria than historic populations, which scientists believe have contributed to chronic oral diseases in post-industrial lifestyles…

Food Integrity And Traceability Conference Puts Over 2,400 Food Scares Under The Microscope

As the increasing number food scares causes consumers to question the safety of everyday food items, researchers at Queen’s University Belfast have completed the first ever analysis of all the food recalls announced in the USA, UK and Ireland over the last decade…

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