Why does coffee make me tired?

Although coffee’s caffeine content makes it a stimulant, some people feel tired after they drink a cup. Learn about why coffee could make a person feel tired here.

US diet still contains too many low quality carbs

Refined grains, added sugar, and other low quality carbs still account for 42% of daily calories in the typical diet of U.S. adults, a new study finds.

What can make passing stool painful?

There are many reasons a person may experience pain during a bowel movement.

‘Report card’ on diet trends: Low-quality carbs account for 42 percent of a day’s calories

An 18-year ‘report card’ on the American diet shows adults are eating too many low-quality carbohydrates and more than the recommended daily amount of saturated fat.

Onions and garlic may protect against breast cancer

The first population-based study of its kind examines the association between onion and garlic consumption and breast cancer risk.

Eating more nuts may help prevent weight gain

A new observational study finds that increasing daily nut consumption is associated with a lower risk of gradual weight gain and obesity.

What are nootropics (smart drugs)?

Nootropics, or smart drugs, aim to enhance cognitive performance. Prescription stimulants and nonprescription substances, including caffeine, are considered nootropic

What can cause burping and stomach pain?

Excess gas can cause burping and stomach pain. In other cases, these two symptoms can result from an underlying medical condition. Learn more here.

Does the keto diet affect cholesterol?

Because the keto diet involves limiting the intake of carbohydrates, it can help reduce cholesterol levels. However, the diet is not suitable for everyone. Learn more here.

WHO urge nutrition interventions against worrying global trends

In a new report, the World Health Organization argue that nations must prioritize nutrition interventions to fight global trends in obesity and hunger.

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