High meat intake increases diabetes risk, study shows

A Singaporean study shows that red meat and poultry can increase diabetes risk, but fish and shellfish can reduce that risk. Heme iron also plays a role.

Can my HDL be too high?

When is high HDL cholesterol good, and is higher always better? Learn how to find the right balance along with some healthful ways to achieve high HDL.

Killing cancer with vitamin C: Hype or hope?

Millions of people die from cancer each year. Find out what scientists know about vitamin C’s powers to target, kill, and change the fate of cancer cells.

Lecithin: Benefits, risks, and types

What is lecithin? Learn about the different types of lecithin, the potential health benefits, and any risks involved. What foods contain lecithin?

Protein shake diet for weight loss: Meal plans and side effects

How does the protein shake diet work, what may be the risks and side effects, and how might a protein shake diet be safely implemented?

Asparagus pee: What causes the smell?

A few stems of asparagus can leave a lasting impression on some. Find out what causes asparagus pee, and why some are under its spell while others aren’t.

Fat, carbs, fruit, veg: How much should we eat for health?

Two studies show that a moderate fat intake may do more good than expected, too many carbs should be avoided, and fruits and vegetables are beneficial.

Obesity: Lack of ‘satiety hormones’ plays a role

Obese individuals have fewer cells in the gastrointestinal tract that secrete satiety hormones in response to food, which may lead to overeating.

Seven home remedies for shortness of breath

What causes shortness of breath and how can this problem be treated at home?Also learn about lifestyle changes that may help manage shortness of breath.

Cocoa compound could ‘delay or prevent’ type 2 diabetes

A compound found in cocoa may protect the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. Scientists hope the findings might help slow diabetes’ progression.

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