Why you should wash fruits and vegetables

People should always wash fruits and vegetables before eating or cooking them.

Tips and more to help curb binge eating

There are many strategies to help curb binge eating, including identifying and removing triggers, planning meals, and reducing stress. Learn more in this article.

What to know about caffeine withdrawal headaches

Caffeine withdrawal headaches happen if someone who regularly consumes caffeine suddenly cuts down or stops consuming caffeine. Read more about the causes of caffeine withdrawal headaches and how to treat them.

13 snack ideas for Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s is an inflammatory bowel disease, and adjusting the diet can help reduce and prevent symptoms.

CDC: Salmonella outbreak linked to ground beef

The CDC have recently published information regarding a multi-state Salmonella outbreak. The infections are linked with ground beef consumption.

Should you work out when sore?

People may sometimes experience muscle soreness during or after exercise. Read on to find out the causes of this muscle soreness and how to continue working out when feeling sore.

What causes people to poop right after eating?

Feeling the urge to poop right after eating is common.

Does apple cider vinegar help with bloating?

Some people take apple cider vinegar for bloating, but there is little scientific evidence for this remedy. Find out about the potential benefits and risks of apple cider vinegar for bloating here.

Dementia risk higher in those who eat more trans fats

A new study of 1,628 older people living in Japan found a 52–74% higher chance of developing dementia in those with higher blood levels of trans fats.

Yogurt, fiber, and lung cancer: What’s the link?

A new analysis using data from more than 1.4 million people concludes that eating an ample amount of fiber and yogurt may protect against lung cancer.

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