Can diabetics eat watermelon?

Watermelon is healthful and hydrating but contains plenty of natural sugars. Is it safe for people with diabetes to eat?

October 28, 2017 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , ,

Are hot drinks or ice pops better for sore throat?

When the cold and flu season strikes, sore throats appear all around us. Find out whether hot drinks or ice pops are better for relieving the pain.

Five ways to boost your memory

Whether you want to stay sharp in the workplace or protect your cognitive abilities as you age, we have found some memory-boosting tips that can help you.

Which is better for health: Brown rice or white rice?

Learn about the nutritional contents and differences of brown and white rice? The article looks at which rice is the most healthful in certain situations.

Placenta: A ‘superfood’ or a dietary fad?

Eating placenta, or placentophagy, is becoming increasingly popular among new moms. But does consuming this temporary organ really offer health benefits?

How intermittent fasting can increase weight loss

Fasting intermittently seems to confer a range of benefits. A new study takes a look at the chemical pathways that might be involved.

October 19, 2017 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , ,

Calculating how many calories are burned in a day

Learn how to work out how many calories are burned per day, including specific totals for different types of activities and exercises.

What are polyphenols and which foods contain them?

Learn all about the health benefits of polyphenols and which foods contain them.

What are the possible health benefits of romaine lettuce?

Learn about the nutritional background and potential health benefits of romaine lettuce, including some tips for including it in meals.

Could micronutrient supplements combat ADHD?

ADHD is difficult to treat. Over recent years, the impact of nutrition has come to the fore.

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