Study lists 33 foods proven to relieve rheumatoid arthritis

A major review of existing studies narrows down the research findings to 33 foods clearly proven to relieve the progression of rheumatoid arthritis.

Got the night munchies? Beware diabetes and heart disease

Emerging research suggests that eating late in the evening can increase susceptibility to heart disease and diabetes, putting ‘night owls’ at risk.

What are the benefits of moringa?

A look at the benefits of moringa, a plant native to India with a variety of healthful components. Learn about the benefits, and how moringa is consumed.

Just two sugary drinks per week may raise type 2 diabetes risk

We all know that sugary drinks are not great for our health, but how much is too much?

The 10 best Crohn’s disease blogs

Crohn’s disease blogs can be a useful source of educational information on the condition and contain tips and accounts from individuals with the disease.

Cot death risk halved with just 2 months of breast-feeding

Pooled analysis of eight global studies finds that just 2 months of (even partial) breast-feeding is tied to half the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

How often should you poop each day?

A look at how many times you should poop a day, including what is normal and abnormal, factors affecting how often you go, and when to see a doctor.

Soy component could improve breast cancer treatment

New research suggests that a component of soy foods may have the potential to improve breast cancer treatments, leading to the suppression of tumors.

Distracted? Blame that donut

Candy bars, cheese, hot dogs, and other high-calorie foods are twice as likely to distract us from a task than healthful foods, researchers find.

What is anisocytosis?

Learn all about anisocytosis, a condition that often occurs alongside anemia. We take a look at its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

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