Over half of American babies are given solids too early

According to new research, more than half of babies in the United States are given non-milk foods and fluids before the recommended 6-month mark.

Neurodegenerative disease: Restricting eating times may boost life quality

In a study of mouse models with Huntington’s disease, researchers found that eating at the same time every day improved motor skills and sleep quality.

Review confirms link between sugary drinks and obesity

A new systematic review has analyzed recent studies looking at the link between sugary drinks and excess weight gain. The authors issue a call for action.

Bifidobacterium or fiber protect against deterioration of the inner colonic mucus layer

If you are concerned about your health, you should also think about what your gut bacteria consume. Dietary fiber is a key source for their nutrition

What you should know about dumping syndrome?

A look at dumping syndrome, a condition where food moves too quickly through the digestive system. Included is detail on diagnosis and risk factors.

Knee osteoarthritis: What’s the best weight loss plan?

Weight loss is known to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms and signs.

What you should know about morbid obesity

A look at morbid obesity, a health problem where being overweight impacts daily life and results in serious health issues. Learn more.

Can watermelon help with erectile dysfunction?

Could watermelon work as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction in the same way as Viagra? We look at the science and evidence behind this claim.

Could this be a better solution to weight loss than calorie counting?

A study of mice suggests that a diet low in branched-chain amino acids might be an effective way to treat obesity and insulin resistance in humans.

Do liver cleanses work? Evidence and risks

Liver cleanses promise to rid the body of toxins and impurities, but are controversial because there is little science to support their use. Learn more.

December 21, 2017 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , ,

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