The diet that could reduce the risk of depression

Closer adherence to the DASH diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, could help to stave off depression, new research reveals.

Diet shown to reduce stroke risk may also reduce risk of depression

People who eat vegetables, fruit and whole grains may have lower rates of depression over time, according to a preliminary study.

Skip the guilt: Red wine could protect your oral health

If you’re scared that your nightly glass of red wine will eventually cause your teeth to rot, that’s a worry that you can dispel right now. A new study from Spain suggests that red wine compounds may actually do your oral health a world of good.

Drinking soda daily may harm your fertility

Researchers have uncovered a link between conception and soda: drinking it daily could harm your chances of becoming pregnant. This goes for men and women.

February 19, 2018 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , ,

Going vegan could prevent type 2 diabetes

Researchers have found that adopting a vegan diet has the potential to prevent type 2 diabetes in people who are overweight or obese.

What are sugar alcohols?

Learn all about sugar alcohols, a substitute for sugar. We look at their uses, possible benefits and risks, and how they differ from standard sugars.

Is it safe to drink raw water?

Drinking raw water is a relatively new health phenomenon, but are the rumors about its health benefits true; or is it dangerous? Find out here.

What are the signs of iodine deficiency

A look at the signs of a deficiency in iodine, an important mineral that helps many bodily functions. Included is detail on diagnosis and the causes.

What is the truth about clean eating?

A look at clean eating, a concept where someone avoids artificial foods or additives. Included is detail on the the facts and fiction behind the diet.

How to stay motivated

Are you struggling to stay motivated? We’ve put together some information for you on how to maintain motivation and why it is so important to do so.

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