Why do I get heart palpitations after I eat?

Some people experience heart palpitations after eating. This could be due to a range of causes, some of which are more serious than others

Six health benefits of safflower oil

Safflower oil is a healthful source of fatty acids in the diet. Research suggests that safflower oil is a heart-healthy choice that may have a range of health benefits, including when used in cooking or on the skin. In this article, we look at six benefits of safflower oil and how it may be useful for weight loss.

Hypervitaminosis A: What to know

Hypervitaminosis A is when a person has too much vitamin A in their body. This is rarely due to diet, but it can occur if a person takes too many supplements or uses certain creams for acne over a prolonged period. Learn about the symptoms of acute and chronic hypervitaminosis A and possible complications here.

What to know about the 500-calorie diet

A person on a 500-calorie diet eats only about a quarter of the recommended daily intake. This may be beneficial for some people, but also comes with many risks. In this article, we look at research on the 500-calorie diet, explain what people need to consider before trying the diet, and provide alternative diets.

Almond butter vs. peanut butter: Which is healthier?

Both peanut butter and almond butter are versatile ingredients and good sources of protein. They also have a variety of other health benefits. In this article, we look at how these two nut butters compare nutritionally, as well as how to add more nut butter to a healthful diet

Is vitamin D deficiency to blame for lung disease?

New research from Johns Hopkins University has found that individuals with low blood levels of vitamin D may be more exposed to disabling lung disease.

Bad habits that lead to cancer, chronic disease corrected by simple lifestyle intervention

Four of the most common bad habits — too much screen time, too little exercise and high fat and low fruit and vegetable intake — can lead to heart disease and cancer, but a simple intervention using mobile health tools and coaching normalized these behaviors, and improvements were sustained.

Vitamin D may decrease breast cancer risk, study reports

Vitamin D is crucial to our health, and now, new research has found a ‘marked’ association between blood levels of this vitamin and breast cancer risk.

What to know about atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the stomach lining over a long time. Either a bacterial infection or an autoimmune condition is responsible.

Finding it hard to cut down on processed foods? Here’s why

How do our brains react to processed foods, high in fats and carbohydrates but with little energetic value? And why is it so hard to avoid temptation?

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