Which foods are good for constipation?

Constipation is a very common complaint, and a person’s lifestyle and diet often play a role. Eating foods such as yogurt, pulses, wheat bran, and prunes can increase the frequency of bowel movements and relieve symptoms.

Healthy diet may lower eye disease risk

An analysis of recent high-quality research reveals that diet may affect individuals’ risks related to the development and progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

What should you eat while taking antibiotics?

Antibiotics attack and destroy bacteria in the body. They can get rid of an infection, but they can also harm the beneficial bacteria in the gut. In this article, learn which foods can reduce the side effects of antibiotics, promote healing, and restore the balance in the gut microbiome.

Can water help you lose weight?

Staying hydrated is essential for many bodily functions, and it can also help people to lose weight. In this article, learn how increasing water intake can help to shed excess fat and keep a person feeling fuller for longer. We also describe how much water a person needs every day and tips for drinking enough.

Seven ways to do intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular dietary choice for weight loss and health.

What is the purpose of a vitamin B-12 level test?

The body needs vitamin B-12 for many processes. People with a deficiency may have neurological symptoms and fatigue, while an excess may indicate liver disease or diabetes.

Fifteen good foods for high blood pressure

The diet has a strong influence on blood pressure. Certain foods are scientifically shown to reduce high blood pressure, including berries, bananas, and oats

How to get more iron from the diet

Iron is an essential nutrient needed to transport oxygen around the body. Its deficiency can lead to anemia. Here, look at how to get more iron in the diet and increase its absorption.

What are the benefits of eating healthy?

A healthful diet can help a person look and feel their best, but what are the real health benefits? In this article, we look at the top ten benefits of a varied, nutritious diet, including heart and stroke prevention, improved mood and memory, and decreased risk of cancer.

What are the side effects of aspartame?

The food additive aspartame is a sweetener used in many foods and drinks. It is controversial and has a range of purported side effects, although many regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), approve its use

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