Strong sensitivity to bitter tastes tied to higher cancer risk

Researchers suggest that women with a higher sensitivity to bitter flavors have an increased risk of cancer, but they are still investigating why this is.

Bowel cancer: Low-calorie soft drinks could reduce recurrence

A new study suggests that higher consumption of artificially sweetened soft drinks is tied to less chance of recurrence and death in stage 3 bowel cancer.

Eighteen ways to reduce bloating

Bloating is common and can be very uncomfortable. A bloated stomach usually occurs due to trapped gas, so removing this gas is key to reducing the bloat

Saw palmetto and testosterone facts

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. Boosting its levels can have many effects, such as promoting muscle growth and improving libido. Saw palmetto, a plant resembling the leaves of a palm tree, may boost testosterone levels and offer other health benefits

Natural treatments for postpartum swelling

The body usually retains some extra water after pregnancy has ended. This extra water weight, or edema, can cause puffiness known as postpartum swelling

Hot pepper compound may reduce obesity

A new trial in rodents finds that capsaicin, the compound that makes hot peppers hot, can lead to long-term weight loss and better metabolic health.

Is eating tilapia fish safe and healthful?

Tilapia is a popular edible fish that is low in fat and a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Tilapia farming occurs around the world, but some people worry about farming practices and whether or not tilapia is safe to eat

Large study reviews the cardiovascular benefits of walnuts

The results of a meta-review of 25 years worth of research on the cardiovascular effects of nuts are in: a walnut-enriched diet keeps your heart healthy.

Fats or carbs: What causes obesity?

Researchers have been debating for a long time whether it is fat or carb intake that leads to obesity. A new study claims it may have settled the issue.

Cinnamon may help battle infections

With antibiotic resistance only getting worse, we need new ways to attack bacteria.

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