Ten ways to relieve stomach ulcers at home

Ulcers can occur in many places, including in the stomach.

What do your nails say about your health?

People’s nails can say a lot about their health. Nail abnormalities are common, affecting the shape, thickness, or color of the nails. In this article, we look at possible abnormalities that affect the fingernails or toenails, with a picture guide.

What are the health benefits of cranberry juice?

Many people consume cranberry juice for its health benefits. These include benefits for a person’s heart health, preventing infections, and better post-menopausal health.

A soy-based diet could help strengthen bones

According to a recent study, eating a diet that includes more soy protein could strengthen the bones of women, regardless of reproductive status.

Could probiotics cause ‘brain fog’ and bloating?

A small study links probiotic use to brain fog, abdominal distension, bloating, and gas, likely due to too much D-lactic acid and small intestine bacteria.

Soy diets might increase women’s bone strength

Researchers now have discovered through a new animal study that soy protein found in food might counter the negative effects of menopause on bone and metabolic health. Moreover, the researchers believe that soy protein might also have positive impacts on bone strength for women who have not yet reached menopause.

How fiber and gut bacteria reverse stress damage

As gut bacteria digest fiber, they produce short-chain fatty acids. A new study finds that these molecules protect the gut against the ravages of stress.

Vitamin D: Recent research uncovers new benefits

Vitamin D draws a great deal of scientific attention. In this Spotlight, we delve into recent research and explore the vitamin’s disease-fighting powers.

‘Normal’ blood sugar levels may not be so normal after all

Stanford researchers show that blood glucose levels considered ‘normal’ often hide spikes that are well above what is deemed healthy.

Which type of alcohol has the fewest calories?

Many people drink alcohol but want to keep their caloric intakes in check. Vodka is generally thought to be a low-calorie spirit, but there are many other factors to consider.

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