Foods to eat and avoid while breastfeeding

People who are breastfeeding should aim for a healthful, well-balanced diet. Some foods are better than others for providing nutrients, and there are certain foods that it is wise to avoid.

What are some tips for instant migraine relief?

Many people experience intense forms of headache known as migraine. There are many potential natural remedies for migraines, including diet changes, yoga, and stress reduction. Other remedies, such as staying hydrated, can prove helpful for migraines

Strawberries may reduce gut inflammation

According to a recent study, less than one cup of strawberries per day could reduce the distressing symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.

Can you drink coffee while breastfeeding?

While many people avoid caffeine during pregnancy, they may wonder if it is safe to drink coffee again while breastfeeding. For most people, it is safe to consume a moderate amount of coffee while breastfeeding.

How does eating before a workout affect the body?

A new study looks at how having breakfast before a morning workout affects the body during and after exercise — especially its ability to metabolize food.

14 ways to lose weight without diet or exercise

Strict diets can be challenging to follow, and people may not always have the time or ability to exercise. However, a variety of simple lifestyle changes can help people lose weight and improve their health. These include taking probiotics, getting enough sleep, and thoroughly chewing food

Is it safe to reheat rice?

People often believe it is unsafe to reheat rice. This is because certain bacteria in rice can survive the cooking process

What are monk fruit and stevia?

Monk fruit and stevia are natural, plant-based sweeteners. The products tend to contain few, if any, calories, carbohydrates, and sugars, and people use them as alternatives to sugar, honey, and other sweeteners. Here, we describe what monk fruit and stevia are and how to choose between them.

Which fruits should you eat during pregnancy?

Eating a healthful diet is particularly important during pregnancy. The right nutrients help the fetus to develop and grow as it should.

‘Monster’ radish might help fight heart disease

The biggest variety of radish on the planet may harbor chemicals that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A new study investigates.

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