Weight loss surgery: How taste influences success

How does a person’s taste in foods following weight loss surgery influence how successful the procedure is? A new study may have answered this question.

Eating fiber can delay brain aging

New research shows that eating fiber releases butyrate, a fatty acid that prevents brain inflammation and improves memory in aging mice.

Eating fiber can delay brain aging

New research shows that eating fiber releases butyrate, a fatty acid that prevents brain inflammation and improves memory in aging mice.

How body fat affects men’s and women’s health differently

New research in rodents helps us understand why women are better protected against the harmful effects of excessive body fat than men.

What are the most healthful nuts you can eat?

Nuts are one of the best sources of plant-based protein, and they provide a wide range of other nutrients and healthful fatty acids. A diet that contains nuts has the potential to improve both heart and overall health. In this article, we take a look at six of the healthiest nuts and their nutritional profiles.

Health benefits of hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are small, brown seeds from the Cannabis sativa plant. They have a rich nutritional profile, with high concentrations of protein and healthful fatty acids

Why is the roof of my mouth swollen?

Many conditions may cause a swollen roof of the mouth, including sores, dehydration, and mucus buildups.

Can dietary changes help with microscopic colitis?

Microscopic colitis (MC) is an inflammation of the bowel lining that causes recurrent diarrhea and abdominal pain. Doctors can often successfully treat MC using medication. However, some people with MC may benefit from trying probiotics or avoiding foods containing lactose, gluten, and caffeine

What carbs should you avoid?

Many people avoid eating carbohydrates to help them lose weight. However, some carbohydrates are beneficial and can be healthful when included in the diet. Carbohydrates can be simple or complex, and each type has a different effect on the body.

What are some low-carb bread alternatives?

Many people choose to avoid bread for health reasons. They may be trying to lose weight on a low-carb or ketogenic diet or might be intolerant to gluten.

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