7 benefits of rooibos tea

Rooibos tea is a delicious alternative to green or black tea. It is naturally caffeine-free and has many other potential health benefits.

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

Many people try intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight. Research shows that there are benefits to eating during a short window of time during the day, including improvements in heart health and brain health.

Can you eat grapefruit while taking metformin?

Consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice can affect the safety and effectiveness of a variety of drugs. However, there is little evidence to suggest people taking metformin should avoid grapefruit

A natural pigment can help decrease cardiovascular risk

A new systematic review finds that a common natural pigment could significantly lower the risk of heart disease and death related to cardiovascular events.

How coffee protects the brain

New research reveals what gives coffee its protective properties for brain health, and why it can help keep Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease at bay.

Can this Amazonian diet offer a solution to heart disease?

One indigenous population from the Bolivian Amazon may have a lesson or two to teach us about how diet and lifestyle can protect heart health.

It may only take one energy drink to harm your blood vessels

Experts worry that energy drinks may impair health, particularly cardiovascular function. They warn that even one energy drink may harm the blood vessels.

MS: How too much salt can cause inflammation

New research discovers the molecular mechanism that explains why a high intake of salt may trigger inflammation and raise the risk of multiple sclerosis.

How to control diabetes: Reduce meat intake

A new meta-analysis concludes that switching to a plant-based diet could significantly improve the psychological and physical symptoms of diabetes.

October 31, 2018 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , ,

Plant-based or vegan diet may be best for keeping type 2 diabetes in check

A predominantly plant-based or vegan diet may be best for keeping type 2 diabetes in check, not least because of its potential impact on mood, suggests a systematic review of the available evidence.

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