Does L-theanine have health benefits?

L-theanine is a natural compound that is present in green tea and black tea. In this article, we look at the potential health benefits and risks of L-theanine as well as its dosage.

How common are food allergies, really?

Millions of adults in the United States believe that they have a food allergy, but new research suggests that only around half of them actually do.

A guide to eating a balanced diet

A balanced diet fulfills all of a person’s nutritional needs and includes foods from the five essential food groups. Learn more about building a healthful, balanced diet here.

What happens when you remove fluoride from tap water?

Twelve years ago, Juneau, AK, stopped adding fluoride to community water sources. A newly published study looks at how this has affected its inhabitants.

Spirulina: Could eating these bacteria reduce blood pressure?

Spirulina — a blue-green algae used as a supplement — appears to reduce blood pressure. A recent study pins down the molecular mechanisms involved.

What are the most filling foods?

Certain foods make people feel full for longer, which may help with calorie consumption. These foods include eggs, nuts, and pulses.

What are the health benefits of aloe vera juice?

Aloe vera is a popular remedy for burns and skin problems, and it is also available as a juice. Learn about the health benefits of this nutritious beverage here.

Why do we love coffee when it is so bitter?

Scientists have found a genetic link that explains why some people love the bitter taste of coffee. The findings might also offer clues to disease risks.

Mediterranean diet nutrients tied with healthy brain aging

A study of older adults links blood markers of certain nutrients that are present in the Mediterranean diet to better cognition and brain connectivity.

What is bowel obstruction?

A bowel obstruction occurs when something blocks part of the small or large intestine. This blockage can be a serious problem if it is left untreated, so a person should speak to a doctor if they experience any of the symptoms

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