Poor diet biggest risk factor for early deaths worldwide

A global study links 1 in 5 deaths to poor diet, suggesting that low intake of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes is a major factor.

How to begin intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting has many potential benefits, including helping a person to lose weight.

Health claims on packaging for many foods marketed to UK kids are ‘confusing’

The health claims made on the product packaging for a large proportion of foods marketed to children in the UK are ‘confusing,’ and could be contributing to rising rates of childhood obesity.

Cancer: Are probiotics making immunotherapy less effective?

Probiotic supplements could be having a detrimental effect on this particular form of cancer treatment, according to new research.

April 4, 2019 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , ,

What happens when you eat fast food?

Fast food has many short- and long-term effects on the body. People may feel hungry soon after eating and gain weight over time.

Could reused cooking oil trigger breast cancer spread?

A new study in mice finds that reused cooking oil may encourage breast cancer metastases. These preliminary results are sure to spark more research.

What are the most healthful oils?

Healthful oils are an essential part of all diets. In this article, we compare some of the most popular oils, looking at their health benefits, nutrition, and uses in cooking. We include olive oil, coconut oil, canola oil, and vegetable oil.

Possible reasons weight loss is not working

Efforts to lose weight may not work for a range of reasons. A person may be following an ineffective fad diet, or consuming sugary drinks, or exercising more but making no dietary changes, for example.

Hypothyroidism: Foods to eat and avoid

Certain diets can improve hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, while others can make the symptoms worse. In this article, we look at which foods and nutrients to eat and avoid to improve the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Time-restricted eating may prevent tumor growth

New research in mice suggests that eating all daily meals within a restricted window of time may be a good preventive strategy against cancer tumor growth.

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