‘Mediterranean diet may protect against depression symptoms’

Research presented at the American Psychiatric Association conference finds a link between Mediterranean diets and a lower depression risk later in life.

Best 10 foods to boost metabolism

Chili peppers, protein sources, and green vegetables are among the best foods for boosting metabolism. In this article, we provide a list of the best metabolism boosting foods and other tips to increase metabolic rate.

Could a broccoli sprout extract help treat schizophrenia?

A compound present in broccoli sprouts could change a chemical imbalance that characterizes the brains of people with schizophrenia.

How much coffee is too much for the heart?

In a large new study, researchers identify ‘the tipping point’ for consumption after which coffee can increase a person’s cardiovascular risk.

What to know about a low-protein diet

People with kidney-related illnesses may benefit from a low-protein diet. Key changes can help people create a varied, healthful, low-protein diet plan that works for them. Learn more here.

How long you can live without water

The human body requires water to function properly. The ideal amount a person needs depends on several factors including age, sex, and physical activity levels. Learn more here.

DASH diet reduced heart failure risk ‘by almost half’ in people under 75

People under 75 who followed a plant-rich diet for reducing high blood pressure had a significantly lower risk of heart failure than those who did not.

Can this food additive turn our gut bacteria against us?

After conducting a study in mice, researchers claim to have found ‘pivotal evidence’ that a common food additive is harmful to gut health.

Too much dietary fat in the brain may impact mental health

A new study in mouse models shows that a high-fat diet can alter signaling mechanisms in the brain, leading to depression-like behaviors.

Breakfast cereals: ‘Almost zero correlation’ between health claims and nutritional content

Four recent studies examined claims appearing on the packaging of food items. They compared the claims with reality and found a significant mismatch.

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