What are some slow-release carbs?

Slow-release carbs include quinoa, vegetables, and white bread alternatives.

Higher salt intake can cause gastrointestinal bloating

A new study found that individuals reported more gastrointestinal bloating when they ate a diet high in salt.

What to know about skin paleness

Paleness can occur in light or dark skin. A range of health issues may underlie it, including anemia, bleeding, and certain vitamin deficiencies. Learn more about health-related causes of skin paleness here.

What to know about sugar in fruit

Fruit contains natural sugar. Although natural sugar is good for health, it is important to remember that consuming fruit juices and canned fruit can increase overall sugar intake.

Fighting obesity with a single cup of coffee

A first-of-its-kind study finds that caffeine is an effective way to stimulate brown fat in cultured cells and humans, pointing to new obesity treatments.

Cocoa shells may help prevent obesity-induced insulin resistance

A study of immune and fat cells from mice found that cocoa shell extract can reduce and prevent some of the cell dysfunctions that can result from obesity.

What is the link between gluten and rheumatoid arthritis?

Some people find that eating gluten can trigger rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptom flares.

High-protein vegan foods

Vegans often find it difficult to eat a lot of protein, but there are many plant based sources of this nutrient, including beans, tofu, quinoa, and chickpeas. Learn more about high protein foods for vegans here. We also cover how to get enough vitamin B-12 and vitamin D on a vegan diet.

What to know about Neurobion

Neurobion is a brand of vitamin B supplements that aims to improve nerve function. Learn about the benefits and side effects of Neurobion here.

Almond, hemp, oat, soy, and cow’s milk: Which is best?

As plant-based alternative milks grow increasingly popular, it can help to know how they compare nutritionally. Find out in this article.

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