Intensive behavioral counseling recommended for overweight and obese patients with cardio risk factors

The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that overweight or obese adults with at least one additional risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) be offered or referred…

Overweight and obesity in developing countries ‘alarming’

The ‘alarming’ rise in overweight and obese adults in developing countries is growing into a huge public health burden, says one of the authors of a new report from a UK think tank.

Protein-Rich Meal Replacement Helps Diabetes Type 2 Patients Lose Weight And Have Better Glucose Control

Individuals with type 2 diabetes could significantly benefit from a protein-rich meal replacement called Almased®, according to results of a pilot study.

A diet rich in slowly digested carbs reduces markers of inflammation in overweight and obese adults

Among overweight and obese adults, a diet rich in slowly digested carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes and other high-fiber foods, significantly reduces markers of inflammation associated with chronic disease, according to a new study. Such a “low-glycemic-load” diet, which does not cause blood-glucose levels to spike, also increases a hormone that helps regulate the metabolism of fat and sugar.

Diet rich in slowly digested carbs reduces markers of inflammation in overweight and obese adults

Among overweight and obese adults, a diet rich in slowly digested carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes and other high-fiber foods, significantly reduces markers of inflammation associated with chronic disease, according to a new study.