Vitamin C Raises Risk Of Kidney Stones

Men who consume high levels of vitamin C are at twice the risk of kidney stones than men who do not. The new finding does not strongly establish that vitamin C is responsible for the occurrence of kidney stones, however it may make us wonder whether large amounts of vitamin C are harmful to the body. Kidney stones are tiny masses of crystals that can painfully obstruct the urinary tract…

Vitamin C Raises Risk Of Kidney Stones

Men who consume high levels of vitamin C are at twice the risk of kidney stones than men who do not. The new finding does not strongly establish that vitamin C is responsible for the occurrence of kidney stones, however it may make us wonder whether large amounts of vitamin C are harmful to the body. Kidney stones are tiny masses of crystals that can painfully obstruct the urinary tract…

2 Cups Of Milk A Day Is Best For Kids

Children should not drink more than two cups of milk per day. This new finding came from a team of scientists at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Ontario and was published in the journal Pediatrics.