Foods to eat and avoid on a low-purine diet

People who have gout, kidney stones, or a similar disorder can often benefit from following a low-purine diet. Purine is a naturally occurring substance, and too much can lead to a buildup of uric acid. In this article, learn which foods to eat and which to avoid to reduce levels of purine in the body.

13 low-carb fruits and vegetables

Fruit tends to have a higher carbohydrate content than most vegetables, because of the naturally occurring sugars – they’re sweeter, after all.

Naturally occurring compounds could block protein behind age-related muscle loss

Naturally occurring compounds found in apple peel and green tomatoes could be harnessed to prevent age-related muscle wasting, according to the findings of a new study.

Foods with added phosphate cause spike in blood, even in people with healthy kidneys

Phosphates artificially added to dairy and cereal products appear to cause bigger spikes in blood phosphorus levels than naturally occurring phosphates, potentially putting harmful stress on kidneys.

Consumers should seek a variety of fiber sources to get the maximum health benefits

Consumers who get fiber from many sources — both naturally occurring and added in manufacturing — may benefit more than people who limit their intake to a single type, according to an expert.

Potential weight-loss mouth spray for fuller feeling

A chemical naturally occurring in the body, already proven to produce a feeling of being full when administered, has found an effective new route via a spray on the tongue, say health researchers from the University of Florida.

Probable Mechanism Underlying Resveratrol Activity Revealed By NIH Study

National Institutes of Health researchers and their colleagues have identified how resveratrol, a naturally occurring chemical found in red wine and other plant products, may confer its health benefits. The authors present evidence that resveratrol does not directly activate sirtuin 1, a protein associated with aging…

Melatonin Brownies Known As "Lazy Larries" Are Unsafe, Says FDA

The FDA has written to HBB LLC, a manufacturer of melatonin brownies that they are unsafe and could be seized. The brownies contain melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone known to regulate our sleep-wake cycle.

International Scientists Broaden The Debate On Saturated Fat And Cardiovascular Disease

For generations, the consumption of dairy products has been positively associated with the health and wellness of families and communities. Nevertheless, the recent shift in dietary trends has focused on “what not to eat” instead of emphasizing “what to eat,” resulting in demonizing the naturally occurring fats in dairy, while overlooking its many essential nutrients…

Soya Beans Could Hold Clue To Treating Fatal Childhood Disease

Scientists from The University of Manchester say a naturally occurring chemical found in soy could prove to be an effective new treatment for a fatal genetic disease that affects children…

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