Can you put on weight if you have diabetes?

Several factors can make it difficult for people with diabetes to gain weight. These include hormonal imbalances that result from fluctuating insulin levels in the body.

How does cheese affect cholesterol levels?

Most types of cheese are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Studies provide conflicting information about the relationship between cheese and blood cholesterol levels

What causes diarrhea in the middle of the night?

When diarrhea occurs during the night, this is called nocturnal diarrhea. Foods, allergies, periods of excessive stress, and several bowel conditions can cause it.

Is telogen effluvium reversible?

Telogen effluvium is a form of temporary hair loss that usually happens several months after a person experiences a traumatic event or stress. The hair usually regrows within 6 to 9 months.

Cumin: Six health benefits

Cumin is a very popular spice in cooking. In this article, learn more about cumin, including six ways that cumin might be beneficial to your health.

Vitamin D deficiency: Symptoms, causes, and prevention

Poor nutrition and not enough natural sunlight can cause a vitamin D deficiency. In this article, learn more about the symptoms and risk factors.

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