Omega-3 Reduces Anxiety And Inflammation In Healthy Students

A new study gauging the impact of consuming more fish oil showed a marked reduction both in inflammation and, surprisingly, in anxiety among a cohort of healthy young people. The findings suggest that if young participants can get such improvements from specific dietary supplements, then the elderly and people at high risk for certain diseases might benefit even more…

Food Pyramid Gives Way To Food Plate, USA

For the last two decades the federal government has used the Food Pyramid as the basis for good nutritional advice, which never told people how much of which types of foods they should eat. Many also criticized it for not taking into account the impact on insulin of some high carbohydrate foods…

Nutrition education at WIC (U.S.) influences participants to consume more healthful foods

With more than 8.2 million low-income women and children receiving services from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children in 2009 alone, it is imperative that nutrition education, required as part of WIC services, effectively encourages healthful eating. A new study examines the impact of a new statewide WIC nutrition education curriculum in California that supports the 2009 revisions to the WIC food package.

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