Bananas! Eating Healthy Will Cost You; Potassium Alone $380 Per Year

A new study from the journal Health Affairs finds that healthy eating can be an expensive proposition. For example, adding potassium to the diet can tack on $380 per year to the average consumer’s food costs, the study found. It is the wealthiest consumers that are able to most closely meet the guidelines…

Family Eating Together Better For Children’s Health And Body Weight Control

Children who regularly sit down with their families to eat tend to enjoy better health, have a considerably lower risk of becoming obese, and develop healthy eating habits, researchers from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign revealed in the journal Pediatrics. Regularly means at least three meals per week…

Why The Road To Health Is Paved With, Often Unrealised, Good Intentions

We regularly hear how the best of intentions do not translate into action. This is nowhere more apparent than in the case of healthy eating, where many fall through the gap between intention and action

Improved Nutrition On A Shoestring Budget, $1 Million USDA Grant Establishes Center To Help School Cafeterias Get Students To Eat Better

Better living through healthy eating: The U.S. Department of Agriculture has granted $1 million to establish the Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs at the university’s Charles H. Dyson School for Applied Economics and Management.

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