What is the difference between HDL and LDL cholesterol?

The body needs cholesterol, but too much bad cholesterol can be harmful and is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. In this article, learn about the difference between HDL and LDL — “good” and “bad” — cholesterol, as well as how they are measured.

Can my HDL be too high?

When is high HDL cholesterol good, and is higher always better? Learn how to find the right balance along with some healthful ways to achieve high HDL.

Nine ways to increase your "good" cholesterol

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is often referred to as the ‘good’ cholesterol. In this article, learn about how to improve your HDL levels.

Mediterranean diet enriched with virgin olive oil may protect the heart

New research suggests that a Mediterranean diet rich in virgin olive oil may boost the cardioprotective benefits of HDL ‘good’ cholesterol.

‘Good’ cholesterol may not always protect against heart disease

Try as we might to boost our HDL cholesterol, GlycA, a new biomarker of inflammation found in the bloodstream, may be reducing HDL’s ability to support heart health.

Increased intake of fish can boost good cholesterol levels

Increasing the intake of fatty fish increases the number of large HDL particles, according to a recent study completed at the University of Eastern Finland. People who increased their intake of fish to a minimum of 3-4 weekly meals had more large HDL particles in their blood than people who are less frequent eaters of fish.

Cholesterol-Lowering Nordic Diet

A healthy Nordic diet lowers cholesterol levels, and therefore the risk of cardiovascular disease, a pan-Nordic study where Lund University participated has found. There was also decreased inflammation associated with pre-diabetes. “The subjects who ate a Nordic diet had lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol and higher levels of “good” HDL cholesterol…

Nordic diet lowers cholesterol, study finds

A healthy Nordic diet lowers cholesterol levels, and therefore the risk of cardiovascular disease, a pan-Nordic study has found.

Natural Antioxidant Discovered That Can Protect Against Cardiovascular Disease

University of Minnesota Medical School researchers have collaborated with the School of Public Health and discovered an enzyme that, when found at high levels and alongside low levels of HDL (good cholesterol), can dramatically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease…

Green Tea May Lower "Bad" Cholesterol, New Analysis

A new analysis of published studies finds that consuming green tea, either as a beverage or in capsule form, is linked to significant but modest reductions in total and LDL or “bad” cholesterol, but the researchers found no link with HDL or “good” cholesterol and triglycerides. Dr Olivia J…

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