Fructose Effect On Brain May Explain Link To Obesity

A new, preliminary imaging study that compares the effects of fructose and glucose on the brain has found differences that may explain why diets high in fructose may be behind the obesity epidemic. Upon examining brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of adult volunteers, first study author Kathleen A…

Piglet Study Offers Insights Into Iron Deficiency And Cognitive Development

University of Illinois researchers have developed a model that uses neonatal piglets for studying infant brain development and its effect on learning and memory. To determine if the model is nutrient-sensitive, they have done some research on the effects of iron-deficient diets…

Researchers Publish First-Ever Omega-3 Study On A Population At The "Top Of Its Cognitive Game"

While Omega-3 essential fatty acids – found in foods like wild fish and grass-fed livestock – are necessary for human body functioning, their effects on the working memory of healthy young adults have not been studied until now…

High Antioxidant Diet Decreases Risk Of Heart Attack In Women

A diet rich in total antioxidants, especially from fruits and vegetables, can greatly reduce the risk of heart attack in women, according to a new study in The American Journal of Medicine. This particular study was the first to focus on the effects of all dietary antioxidants and their connection to heart attacks…

Protection From Lung Function Impairment And Decline In Smokers May Be Provided By Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with worse lung function and more rapid decline in lung function over time in smokers, suggesting that vitamin D may have a protective effect against the effects of smoking on lung function, according to a new study from researchers in Boston…

Smokers’ Lung Function May Be Protected By Vitamin D Intake

Boston researchers have discovered that vitamin D may protect against the effects of smoking on lung cancer function. The study, published in advance of the print version of the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.Vitamin D is linked to worse lung function and over time, in a more rapid decline in lung function…

Bowel Disease Model Reveals Low-Calorie Diet Linked To Higher Death Rate

In a surprising result, Michigan State University researchers looking at the effects of diet on bowel disease found that mice on a calorie-restricted diet were more likely to die after being infected with an inflammation-causing bacterial pathogen in the colon…

Metabolic Shifts Shown In First Clinical Trial Of Red Wine Ingredient

When obese men take a relatively small dose of resveratrol in purified form every day for a month, their metabolisms change for the better.

Nanoparticles In Food Crops: Are They Safe?

With the curtain about to rise on a much-anticipated new era of “nanoagriculture” – using nanotechnology to boost the productivity of plants for food, fuel, and other uses – scientists are reporting a huge gap in knowledge about the effects of nanoparticles on corn, tomatoes, rice and other food crops.

After Exercise Protein Drinks Help Maintain Aging Muscles

A new research report appearing online in the FASEB Journal shows that what someone drinks after exercise plays a critical role in maximizing the effects of exercise. Specifically, the report shows that protein drinks after aerobic activity increases the training effect after six weeks, when compared to carbohydrate drinks…

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