Test Shows Subconscious ‘Stop Signs’ Can Help Control Overeating

Once you pop the top of a tube of potato chips, it can be hard to stop munching its contents. But Cornell University researchers may have found a novel way to help: edible serving-size markers that act as subconscious stop signs…

Choline Consumption During Pregnancy May ‘Program’ Healthier Babies

Pregnant women may have added incentive to bulk up on broccoli and eggs now that a Cornell University study has found increased maternal intake of the nutrient choline could decrease their children’s chances of developing hypertension and diabetes later in life…

The Influence Of Nanoparticles On Nutrient Absorption

Nanoparticles are everywhere. From cosmetics and clothes, to soda and snacks. But as versatile as they are, nanoparticles also have a downside, say researchers at Binghamton University and Cornell University in a recent paper published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology

Nutritionists Say Willpower No Match For Cheap Food, Big Portions

Ditching the diet for Thanksgiving? Turkey with all the fixings isn’t the only temptation causing would-be dieters to miss their goals, according to a new Cornell University review article that finds powerful environmental cues are subconsciously bending willpower every day…

Gene, Lack Of B Vitamin Linked To Increased Colon Cancer Risk In Mice

Offering a likely insight into how such cancers develop in humans Cornell University researchers report they have identified a gene that increases the risk for colon cancer in laboratory mice when the animals’ diets are deficient in folate…

Improved Nutrition On A Shoestring Budget, $1 Million USDA Grant Establishes Center To Help School Cafeterias Get Students To Eat Better

Better living through healthy eating: The U.S. Department of Agriculture has granted $1 million to establish the Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs at the university’s Charles H. Dyson School for Applied Economics and Management.

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