Coffee and calories: How do your add-ins add up?

New study finds that most coffee drinkers put sugar, cream, and other calorie-laden additives in their beverage, which may take its toll on the waistline.

Why might coffee drinkers live longer? Study sheds light

A new study finds that caffeine counters an inflammatory process linked to poor heart health in later life, explaining why coffee drinkers may live longer.

Coffee drinking habits ‘driven by genetics’

A genome-wide analysis of 120,000 regular coffee drinkers has identified six genes associated with the metabolic and neurological effects of caffeine.

Coffee drinking habits ‘driven by genetics’

A genome-wide analysis of 120,000 regular coffee drinkers has identified six genes associated with the metabolic and neurological effects of caffeine.

Coffee Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

Recently published research shows that coffee drinkers enjoy not only the taste of their coffee but also a reduced risk of cancer with their cuppa. More detailed research published today in BioMed Central’s open access journal Breast Cancer Research shows that drinking coffee specifically reduces the risk of antiestrogen-resistant estrogen-receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer…