Festive Flab Puts Thousands (Including Santa) At Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

Santa and thousands of others should take it easy on the mince pies and mulled wine this Christmas as excessive food and drink consumption during the festive period could lead to weight gain and increase their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes(1), warns leading health charity Diabetes UK…

Christmas Eating A Heart Disease Risk

Too much Christmas cheer can add an unwanted two kilos to a person’s waistline and increase their risk of heart disease and diabetes(1, 2), according to dietitians. US-based research has found even people who do not gain weight over Christmas could be putting their health at risk1.

Squeezing maximum health benefits out of the orange in your stocking

In time for Christmas, nutritionists are squeezing all the healthy compounds out of oranges to find just the right mixture responsible for their age-old health benefits.

Alcohol With Rich Meal Does Not Cause Belching, Heartburn Or Bloating, But Slows Down Digestion

If you drink alcohol during a rich meal, a highly likely occurrence this Christmas, the alcohol may slow down your digestion, but will not cause indigestion symptoms, such as burping, nausea, bloating or heartburn, researchers from the University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland, wrote in the BMJ (British Medical Journal). Indigestion is the same as dyspepsia or stomach upset. Dr…

Have A Holly, Jolly, HEALTHY Holiday, From UCSD

ZFrom overeating to exercise and alcohol, UC San Diego Health System nutritionists, trauma specialists and poison experts offer insights for a health holiday. Food for Thought The holidays make it so easy to over-eat.

Have Yourself A Mindful Merry Christmas

For many of us, the festive season around Christmas brings out our worst over-indulgent habits: we eat, drink and spend more than we would normally do, and regret it come New Year when we step on those scales, or the credit card bill lands on the doormat…

The Eating Season, 10 Tips To Help You Stick With It During The Holidays

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s for those who are trying to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight, this can be the season to dread. The abundance of food and snacks, many of them sugary and high-fat, can make it more than tempting to stray from those healthy habits we try to keep in mind all year long…

The Foul Odor Of ‘Chitlins’ Can Be Removed By Cilantro Ingredient

With chitlins about to make their annual appearance on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day menus, scientists have good news for millions of people who love that delicacy of down-home southern cooking, but hate the smell…

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