Cinnamon: Could this popular spice make us better learners?

A sprinkle of cinnamon on your breakfast could be the difference between being a good learner or a bad learner, mouse study concludes.

A slim by design breakfast

Breakfast preferences of healthy-weight people.Time and again we’ve been told: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast in classroom program linked to better participation, attendance

Schools offering Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) had higher participation in the national school breakfast program and attendance, but math and reading achievement did not differ between schools…

Weight Loss Undermined By Mid-Morning Snacks

Adult females who are dieting in order to lose weight, may find their pounds come off much more slowly if they have a snack between their breakfast and lunch, researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center reported in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association…

Swiss NaturalTM Raises $5,000 For School Nutrition Programs

Swiss Natural™, a pioneer of natural health products in Canada, has launched a video celebrating the outstanding community support Torontonians displayed at the Route of Change events in September. Torontonians were encouraged to hop, skip and jump, raising $5,000 for Breakfast for Learning…