Soy-dairy protein blend increases muscle mass reaffirmed by study

A new study published online in the Journal of Applied Physiology shows additional benefits of consuming a blend of soy and dairy proteins after resistance exercise for building muscle mass.

Green tomatoes may hold the answer to bigger, stronger muscles

Natural compound from green tomatoes stimulates muscle growth, improves muscle strength and endurance, and protects against muscle wastingUsing a screening method that previously identified a…

Treating mitochondrial disease with vitamin B3

B vitamins have recently turned out to be potent modifiers of energy metabolism, especially the function of mitochondria.

The impact of long-term vitamin D insufficiency on fracture risk

A study presented at the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases shows that long-term low levels of vitamin D intake are associated with higher 10-year fracture risk in elderly women.Vitamin D insufficiency in seniors has been shown to contribute to increased risk of osteoporotic fractures.

Early prevention of osteoporosis begins in youth

High levels of protein intake (HProt) enhance the positive impact of high physical activity (HPA) on bone structure and strength in healthy pre-pubertal boys, according to a study presented during the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases in Seville.

Drinking water with a relatively high concentration of magnesium protects against hip fractures

There are considerable variations in the quality of drinking water in Norway. The researchers studied variations in magnesium and calcium levels in drinking water between different areas, as these are assumed to have a role in the development of bone strength.

Risk of hip fracture, colorectal cancer not reduced by calcium plus vitamin D supplementation

New results are in from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) Calcium plus Vitamin D Supplementation Trial. These findings assess the effects on hip fracture and colorectal cancer incidence among 30,000 postmenopausal women nearly five years after the seven-year period of calcium plus vitamin D supplementation ended.

Milk consumption in teens ‘increases risk of hip fractures’ for men

Drinking milk has long been promoted as positive for building stronger bones. But it seems drinking milk as a teenager does not reduce the risk of hip fractures later in life and can even increase the risk for men, according to new research published in JAMA Pediatrics.

Supplement cuts muscle loss in knee replacements

Twenty grams of essential amino acids taken twice daily for a week before and for two weeks after knee-replacement surgeries helped 16 patients, mean age 69, recover faster and with much less muscle atrophy than a control group ingesting a placebo.

Vitamin D supplements do not prevent osteoporosis

Taking vitamin D supplements does not improve bone mineral density, a study involving more than 4,000 healthy adults published in The Lancet has found.

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