Does apple cider vinegar help with bloating?

Some people take apple cider vinegar for bloating, but there is little scientific evidence for this remedy. Find out about the potential benefits and risks of apple cider vinegar for bloating here.

Health benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a common ingredient in foods and dressings. Some small studies and case reports also suggest that apple cider vinegar has a range of health benefits

Is apple cider vinegar good for losing weight?

In this article, we look at the evidence behind the claims that apple cider vinegar could help with weight loss.

Can apple cider vinegar treat erectile dysfunction?

A look at apple cider vinegar and erectile dysfunction. Included is detail on the safety of apple cider vinegar and how to use it correctly.

Apple cider vinegar and diabetes: Does it help and how is it taken?

What do emerging studies say about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar and how it may help diabetes? How is apple cider vinegar consumed?