Vitamin D supplements may not prevent type 2 diabetes

A large-scale new trial of over 2,000 adults found that taking vitamin D supplements does not help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Low vitamin K may reduce mobility in older adults

Researchers found that older adults with vitamin K deficiency were more likely to develop mobility disability, such as difficulty walking and using stairs.

Low fruit and vegetable intake may account for millions of deaths

New research estimates that an insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables is likely to be behind millions of cardiovascular deaths worldwide.

Red meat and death risk: Study offers new insights

A first-of-its-kind study reveals that consuming increasingly more red meat over an 8-year period raises mortality risk in the following 8 years.

High-protein vegan foods

Vegans often find it difficult to eat a lot of protein, but there are many plant based sources of this nutrient, including beans, tofu, quinoa, and chickpeas. Learn more about high protein foods for vegans here. We also cover how to get enough vitamin B-12 and vitamin D on a vegan diet.

What to know about Neurobion

Neurobion is a brand of vitamin B supplements that aims to improve nerve function. Learn about the benefits and side effects of Neurobion here.

Almond, hemp, oat, soy, and cow’s milk: Which is best?

As plant-based alternative milks grow increasingly popular, it can help to know how they compare nutritionally. Find out in this article.

Millions of cardiovascular deaths attributed to not eating enough fruits and vegetables

Preliminary findings from a new study reveal that inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption may account for millions of deaths from heart disease and strokes each year. The study estimated that roughly 1 in 7 cardiovascular deaths could be attributed to not eating enough fruit and 1 in 12 cardiovascular deaths could be attributed to not eating enough vegetables.

What to know about eyebrow hair loss

Many factors can cause thinning or hair loss in the eyebrows, including hormonal imbalances, diet, some health conditions, and certain medications. This article looks at the causes and treatments for eyebrow hair loss.

Vitamin D may prolong life in people with cancer

Taking vitamin D supplements does not cut cancer risk but may prolong life once cancer develops, according to an analysis of trials covering 79,055 people.

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