What are the best nuts for diabetes?

Nuts can help improve the outlook for people with diabetes. They provide many nutritional benefits that can reduce complications and the progression of the condition

Nutrient in mother’s diet may help fight Alzheimer’s in offspring

Generations of mice descended from females whose diet was high in choline had fewer Alzheimer’s hallmarks in the brain and better memory function.

What foods help burn fat?

Foods that help people burn fat include split peas, chili peppers, coconut oil, and oily fish. Learn more about the best foods for burning fat, and how to add them to the diet, here.

Does this common food additive stop us exercising?

New research, conducted in both mice and humans, finds a strong link between the consumption of phosphate and reduced levels of physical activity.

What causes shortness of breath after eating?

People may experience shortness of breath after eating for various reasons, including food allergies, hiatal hernias, or COPD. Learn about the causes and treatments for breathlessness after eating here.