Overweight children and adults get significantly healthier and quickly with less sugar

Osteopathic physicians suggest shifting the conversation from weight to health for overweight children and adults, asking patients to reduce their sugar intake to see measurable improvements in…

Protein-rich diet may help soothe inflamed gut

Immune cells patrol the gut to ensure that harmful microbes hidden in the food we eat don’t sneak into the body.

Iron infusion: Uses, benefits, and what to expect

Who needs an iron infusion and what should be expected during an iron infusion? What happens after the infusion, and what are the benefits and risks?

Natural compound coupled with specific gut microbes may prevent severe flu

Mouse study reveals how gut microbes fight influenza.Microbes that live in the gut don’t just digest food. They also have far-reaching effects on the immune system.

Why do onions make us cry?

Few can escape the wrath of the onion; the chemicals released in self-defense make us well up. Scientists shed light on the enzyme responsible.

Sugar and mental health: A toxic combination?

Sugar is everywhere in our diets. Studies show its detrimental effect on brain cells and link sugar consumption to long-term mental health.

Koilonychia: Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis

In this article, learn about the many potential causes of koilonychia. How does koilonychia affect different age groups and how is it treated?

Characteristics of metabolically unhealthy lean people

Compared to people who are of normal weight and metabolically healthy, subjects who are of normal weight but metabolically unhealthy (~20% of normal weight adults) have a more than three-fold higher…

August 4, 2017 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , ,

Gastroparesis diet: Eight tips to help delayed stomach emptying

Gastroparesis is when there is a delay in the stomach being emptied. We cover eight tips to help treat this gastroparesis and prevent further discomfort.

Obesity: ‘Switch’ in brain controls weight gain

A new study suggests that excess weight gain may be due to a faulty ‘switch’ in the brain, which promotes the retention of fat in the body.

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