Antioxidant found in breast milk prevents liver disease, study finds

Antioxidants may prevent against chronic illnesses. A new study suggests that a common antioxidant protects against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Grilled, barbecued meats may raise death risk for breast cancer survivors

A high intake of grilled, barbecued, or smoked meats has been linked to increased mortality risk among breast cancer survivors in a new study.

Mediterranean diet prevents brain atrophy, study finds

The brain naturally shrinks with age, but a new study suggests that the healthful Mediterranean diet may help to preserve brain size in elderly adults.

Sugar-free and ‘diet’ drinks no better for healthy weight than full sugar drinks

Sugar-free and “diet” drinks are often seen as the healthier option – but researchers from Imperial College London have argued that they are no more helpful for maintaining a healthy weight than…

Common antioxidant may guard against liver disease

A common antioxidant found in human breast milk and foods like kiwi fruit can protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in the offspring of obese mice.

Cured meats can worsen asthma symptoms

Cured meats can cause a multitude of ills, it seems.

Unmotivated to exercise? Dopamine could be to blame

As the New Year approaches and we promise ourselves we will exercise more, a new study helps explain why sticking to our resolution can be so hard.

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