Typical food triggers creation of regulatory T cells

Institute for Basic Science researchers document how normal diet establishes immune tolerance conditions in the small intestine.

Why does exercise alone not aid long-term weight loss?

Study uncovers why our weight loss plateaus after beginning a new exercise program, suggesting our bodies adapt to the higher activity levels – highlighting the importance of diet.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America curb childhood obesity with healthy lifestyle programs

New Programming Motivates Teens to Take Steps in a Healthy Direction.Recent data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that nearly one in five school-age children are…

Study shows zinc supplement boosted serum zinc levels and immunity in older adults

The immune system weakens as the body ages, making older adults more susceptible to infections. Low levels of zinc impair immunity, particularly in older adults.

‘Eat more flavonoid-rich fruits and veg to prevent weight gain’

Increased intake of fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids – including berries, apples and pears – was linked to less weight gain in a study of more than 124,000 men and women.