Could vitamin A deficiency be a cause of type 2 diabetes?

Vitamin A deficiency led to loss of insulin-producing beta cells in a new study of adult mice, causing researchers to believe it may be a driver of type 2 diabetes.

A fatty acid used to decode weight control

Obesity can be described as an excess of fat leading to metabolic diseases and adipose tissue has a pivotal role in obesity and its related complications.

1,300 babies each year saved from serious birth defects of brain and spine by folic acid

Fortifying grain foods with the B vitamin folic acid has saved about 1,300 babies every year from being born with serious birth defects of the brain and spine known as neural tube defects (NTDs)…

What are the health benefits of selenium?

Find out about the potential health benefits of consuming foods containing selenium including reducing arthritic inflammation, lowering risk of prostate cancer and skin cancer.