Natural substance in red wine has an anti-inflammatory effect in cardiovascular diseases

Resveratrol binds with the KSRP regulator protein and provides for its activation – Publication in Nucleic Acids Research.

Pregnant Bangladeshis lacking vitamin E nearly twice as likely to miscarry

Pregnant women in Bangladesh with low levels of the most common form of vitamin E are nearly twice as likely to have a miscarriage than those with adequate levels of the vitamin in their blood…

Boosting length of breastfeeding could save NHS more than £40 million every year

Doubling the number of mums who breastfeed for 7-18 months in their lifetime and helping others to continue for at least four months could save the NHS more than £40 million every year, suggests…

Children shouldn’t belong to the clean plate club

Whereas most adults are members of the Clean Plate Club, they eat an average of about 90% of the food they serve themselves, children do not.

India national salt reduction campaign targets blood pressure, heart disease, stroke

A national salt reduction programme in India is set to target reductions in blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, said Professor K.