Tyrosine helps you stop faster

A child suddenly runs out into the road. Brake!! A driver who has recently eaten spinach or eggs will stop faster, thanks to the amino acid tyrosine found in these and other food products

Manga comics may help promote fruit consumption among youth – according to a new study in the journal of nutrition education and behavior

A recent pilot study in Brooklyn, New York, with minority students found that exposure to Manga comics (Japanese comic art) promoting fruit intake significantly improved healthy snack selection.

Good risk communication, safer food

Food scares make authorities uneasy. In previous cases, national food safety agencies have not always known how to react, making the public wary. For example, in 2011, the German health authorities incorrectly linked the deadly E

FDA warns against using Uncle Ben’s 5- and 25-pound bags of Infused Rice

Mars Foodservices recalls all lot numbers of Infused Rice linked to recent illness in Texas.